
The <dvrResourcePrefix> element specifies the prefix to use when constructing the effective file names or resource IDs of the resources that are referenced from within the map branch that is implied by the ancestor <ditavalref> element.

Processing expectations

For map branches that are implied by <ditavalref> elements, the value of the <dvrResourcePrefix> element contributes to the effective file names and resource IDs of resources that are referenced within the branch. The effective resource file name starts with the value of the <dvrResourcePrefix> element. If a topic reference includes <resourceid> with the @appid-role attribute set to deliverable-anchor, the effective @appid value for that <resourceid> value starts with the value of the <dvrResourcePrefix> element.

Some resources are not eligible for renaming, such as those marked with scope="external".

Specialization hierarchy

The <dvrResourcePrefix> element is specialized from <data>. It is defined in the DITAVAL-reference domain module.

Content model

(Text | <text> )*

Zero or more


The following attributes are available on this element: universal attributes (except for @conkeyref, which is removed for all elements in this domain) and @name.

For this element, the @name attribute has a default value of dvrResourcPrefix.

The following attributes are available on this element: universal attributes (except for @conkeyref which is removed for all elements in this domain) and the attributes defined below.

@name (data-element attributes)
Defines a unique name for the object.
For this element, the @name attribute has a default value of dvrResourcPrefix.


This section is non-normative.

Example 1. How <dvrResourcePrefix> affects resource file names
The following code sample shows a simple branch with a parent and child topic, where the branch uses a <ditavalref> element and <dvrResourcePrefix>.
<topicref href="branch-01.dita">
  <ditavalref href="condition-01.ditaval">
  <topicref href="topics/subtopic-01.dita"/>
After the <ditavalref> is evaluated:
  • The effective file name of the resource subtopic-01.dita is cond01-subtopic-01.dita.
  • The effective file name of resource branch-01.dita is cond01-branch-01.dita.
Example 2. How <dvrResourcePrefix> interacts with <resourceid>
The following code sample shows the same branch with a parent and child topic, but in this case the child topic specifies a deliverable anchor with <resourceid>.
<topicref href="branch-01.dita">
  <ditavalref href="condition-01.ditaval">
  <topicref href="topics/subtopic-01.dita">
      <resourceid appid="ae35-unit-fault" appid-role="deliverable-anchor"/>
After the <ditavalref> is evaluated:
  • The effective file name of the resource subtopic-01.dita is cond01-subtopic-01.dita.
  • The effective file name of resource branch-01.dita is cond01-branch-01.dita.
  • The effective value of @appid on <resourceid> for the child topic is cond01-ae35-unit-fault.