Example: Index range defined in a topic prolog

This section is non-normative.

In this scenario, an index range is defined in the topic prolog. Ranges defined in a prolog cover subtopics, including those nested based on a map.

Specifying an index range in a topic prolog is useful for defining an index range that contains a topic and its children.

Consider the following DITA map which contains topics about a small company's operating procedures. The map contains a topic about accounting (acct.dita), which has child topics: procedures.dita and forms.dita.

  <title>Company procedures</title>
  <topicref href="acct.dita">
    <topicref href="procedures.dita"/>
    <topicref href="forms.dita"/>
  <!-- ... -->

The information developer wants an index entry that will span acct.dita and its children. They use the following markup in acct.dita:

<topic id="accounting-at-acme">
  <title>Accounting at Acme</title>
        <indexterm start="acct">accounting</indexterm>
        <indexterm end="acct"/>
  <!-- ... -->

This markup specifies that the index range begins with the start of the topic title, and the end of the range is the end of the forms.dita topic. The index range includes the "Accounting at Acme" topic and its two child topics.