Example: How chunk="combine" effects the map hierarchy

This section is non-normative.

Special attention is necessary when combining a nested map hierarchy that includes documents with their own nested topics.

Figure 1. Source DITA map

Consider the following DITA map:

<map chunk="combine">
  <title>Generation example</title>
  <topicref href="ancestor.dita">
    <topicref href="middle.dita">
      <topicref href="child.dita"/>

In this case, the @chunk attribute instructs a processor to treat the three topics as a single combined document, while preserving the original map hierarchy.

Figure 2. Source documents with nested structures

Now consider the following three source documents, each of which includes nested or peer topics: ancestor.dita, middle.dita, and child.dita.

<!-- ancestor.dita -->
  <topic id="ancestor-first">
    <title>First major topic in ancestor composite document</title>
    <!-- ... Topic content ... -->
  <!-- More topics in ancestor composite document -->
  <topic id="ancestor-last">
    <title>Last major topic in ancestor composite doc</title>
    <!-- ... Topic content ... -->
    <topic id="ancestor-last-child">
      <title>Child of last major topic in ancestor composite document</title>
      <!-- ... Topic content ... -->
<!-- middle.dita -->
<topic id="middle-root">
  <title>Root topic in middle document</title>
    <!-- ... -->
  <topic id="middle-child">
    <title>Child of root topic in middle document</title>
    <!-- ... Body content, maybe more children topics -->
<!-- child.dita -->
<topic id="child">
  <title>Small child topic</title>
  <!-- ... Topic content ... -->
Figure 3. Evaluating chunk="combine"

When chunk="combine" is evaluated, the three source documents are combined into one. Both the ancestor and middle documents have child topics that need to be taken into account:

  • ancestor.dita has a root <dita> element, with several root-level topics. After evaluating the @chunk attribute, content from middle.dita is placed after the topic with id="ancestor-last-child"in ancestor.dita.
  • middle.dita does not have a <dita> element, but it does have a nested topic, so content from child.dita is located after that nested topic.

In each case, the original map hierarchy is preserved.

Figure 4. Equivalent content of source documents after evaluation

The result of evaluating the @chunk attribute is equivalent to the following map and topic documents:

<!-- Root map -->
  <title>Generation example</title>
  <topicref href="input.dita"/>
<!-- input.dita -->
  <topic id="ancestor-first">
    <title>First major topic in ancestor composite doc</title>
    <!-- ... Topic content ... -->
  <!-- More topics in ancestor composite doc -->
  <topic id="ancestor-last">
    <title>Last major topic in ancestor composite doc</title>
    <!-- ... Topic content ... -->
    <topic id="ancestor-last-child">
      <title>Child of last major topic in ancestor composite doc</title>
      <!-- ... Topic content ... -->
    <!-- Content of middle.dita combined here -->
    <topic id="middle-root">
      <title>Root topic in middle doc</title>
      <body><!-- ... --></body>
      <topic id="middle-child">
        <title>Child of root topic in middle doc</title>
        <!-- ... Body content, maybe more children topics ... -->
      <!-- Content of child.dita combined here -->
      <topic id="child">
        <title>Small child topic</title>
        <!-- ... Topic content ... -->